Editor // Nalimu ‘Love In the Time of Corona’ // music video // Directed by Cambria Matlow
Editor // ‘Again and Again’ // narrative short film // Directed by Court Ross
Editor // “Daughters” // mini-doc + music video + bts // Client: Stephanie Schneiderman
Editor // ‘Agape Means Love’ // documentary short // Client: Outside the Frame
Additional Editor // ‘A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff’ // narrative feature film // Directed by Alicia J. Rose
Editor // ‘Woodsrider’ // documentary feature film // Directed by Cambria Matlow
Editor // “Mystic Chords of Memory” // documentary feature film // Directed by Lauren Everett
Assistant Editor // Prepmedians Season Two // educational sketch comedy // Client: Prepmedians
Assistant Editor // ‘HomePlate’ // branded content + documentary // Client: Outside the Frame